Elder Law

A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
New Rules Provide Protections for Retirement Savings
The Department of Labor has issued new rules aimed at helping those saving for retirement. The rules are intended to prevent financial advisors from steering their clients to bad investments that offer higher payments to the advisor by requiring financial advisers to act in the best interests of their clients.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Four Steps to Take Right After an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it is important to start planning immediately. There are several essential documents to help you once you become incapacitated, but if you don’t already have them in place, you need act quickly after a diagnosis.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Getting Funeral Pricing Information Is Difficult, Survey Shows
If you’ve lost a loved one, the last thing you want to do is spend a lot of time researching funeral homes to find the best prices. Unfortunately, funeral homes do not make it easy to figure out how much a funeral will cost. A survey by two consumer groups found that prices between funeral homes varied widely and getting information about pricing was difficult.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Avoiding Pitfalls When Forced to Start Breaking Your Retirement Piggy Bank
How you structure the required minimum distributions can have a profound effect on your own retirement and on what you leave your heirs.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Beware: Your Estate May Contain an Unnecessary Bypass Trust
A once-popular estate planning tool may now cost families more in taxes than it saves. Changes in the estate tax have made the “bypass trust” a less appealing option for many families.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Hybrid Policies Allow You to Have Your Long-Term Care Insurance Cake and Eat It, Too
As long-term care insurance premiums rise and fewer companies offer policies, alternatives to traditional long-term care insurance policies are springing up.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Problems with Guardianship Abuse Leading to Calls for Reform
A growing problem with adult guardianship abuse is causing calls to reform the system. Vulnerable elderly can get caught in the guardianship system, being harmed and exploited by the very process that is supposed to protect them.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
10 Ways the Elderly Can Avoid Financial Abuse
Increased dependency due to illness, disability or cognitive impairments can make seniors susceptible to financial abuse.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Last Chance to Use File and Suspend Strategy for Claiming Social Security Benefits
Time is running out to use a potentially very lucrative Social Security benefits-claiming strategy. Spouses will no longer be able to use the “file and suspend” strategy after April 29, 2016. Beware, however, that the new rules are causing confusion at some Social Security offices.