Estate Planning

Two retirees discussing their plans while out on a hikeA parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Your Michigan Estate Planning Attorney: The Benefits of Early Planning
Discover the advantages of early estate planning with a trusted Michigan attorney. Start protecting your assets and loved ones today.
A man and woman are pictured sitting at a table, both with their hands raised in a show of disagreement, while a third person, pictured in the background sits between the two, seeming to mediate.A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Does Divorce Impact an Estate Plan?
One area people may not consider after divorce is updating their estate plan. Read this blog to learn why it should be a bigger concern.
An elderly couple leaning on a fence, smiling at each other.A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
What is a Retirement Trust?
A retirement trust is an irrevocable trust that holds retirement assets, provides benefits during retirement, and offers tax advantages by managing distributions. Find out if it's right for your needs
A man in a suit looks over a stack of papers with an elderly woman.A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Wills vs. Trusts in Michigan
Wills and trusts each serve unique functions in an estate plan. Learn about the differences between these two in our blog.
A group of people sitting at a table, two hugging, while all three smile and laughA parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
What Should I Include in My Estate Plan?
There are certain elements you should be sure to include in your estate plan. Wills and trusts are just the beginning.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Estate Planning The Ten Most Avoidable Mistakes
If you die without a Will or some other form of estate planning, the state in which you reside and the IRS will simply make one for you. Of course, they have no interest in avoiding or reducing estate taxes, minimizing estate administration costs or protecting your family and legacy.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
What a Special Needs Trust Pays For
A Special Needs Trust (SNT) can pay for supplemental needs like education, therapy, and housing, ensuring benefits without impacting government aid. Find out what else an SNT can cover here.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Low-Income Housing for People with Disabilities
People with disabilities are disproportionately low-income. Like many other marginalized communities, people with disabilities are being priced out of many neighborhoods, especially in large metropolitan centers, as rental prices continue to skyrocket and affordable housing stocks dwindle.
A parent holding their smiling child in a swimming pool
Life Insurance Can Still Play a Key Role As Part of an Estate Plan
Life insurance can be beneficial in replacing lost income for young families, but as people get older, it can also serve a purpose as part of an estate plan.
An elderly mother hugging her grown daughter as they sit outside in front of fall foliage
Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney
Deciding between guardianship and power of attorney is an important decision that can significantly impact the care and protection of a loved one. In this webinar, we will guide you through the key differences between these two legal tools and explain when each is appropriate.