Learn how pooled special needs trusts and smart settlement planning protected benefits in the Hawthorn case and secured stability for minors with disabilities.
Learn about First Party Special Needs Trusts and how Michigan Law Center, led by expert Michele Fuller, can secure benefits and protect your loved one’s future.
Settlement planning is a comprehensive strategy to manage and allocate funds received from a legal settlement. It aims to ensure long-term financial stability and security for the beneficiaries.
The new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act allows families to roll over up to $15,000 annually from 529 savings accounts to ABLE accounts for the same or a family member beneficiary.
People with disabilities are disproportionately low-income. Like many other marginalized communities, people with disabilities are being priced out of many neighborhoods, especially in large metropolitan centers, as rental prices continue to skyrocket and affordable housing stocks dwindle.
If your child receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and is going to turn 18, you should talk with your special needs planner about some important changes that could significantly impact your child’s SSI benefit.
Two years after the passage of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, four states — Florida, Nebraska, Ohio and Tennessee -– have ABLE plans up and running, and all but Florida allow out-of-state beneficiaries to open accounts.
When a parent of a child with special needs retires and begins receiving Social Security retirement benefits, her child may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) based on the parent’s work record if the child’s disability manifested itself before the child turned 22 years old.